Your Cash Account
Use your Cash Miles towards everyday purchases like gas, groceries and more - instantly in-store or anything online with eVouchers.
Your Dream Account
Use your Dream Miles towards travel, merchandise, entertainment and more! Choose from over 1,200 Rewards.
Your Cash Account
Use your Cash Miles towards everyday purchases like gas, groceries and more - instantly in-store or anything online with eVouchers.
Your Dream Account
Use your Dream Miles towards travel, merchandise, entertainment and more! Choose from over 1,200 Rewards.
If you’re looking to gift, share, merge, or transfer AIR MILES® Cash Miles or Dream Miles to new Accounts as a result of a recent life event – or just because – we're here to help.
Remember: Miles that are currently in an AIR MILES Cash Account can only be transferred to another Cash Account, and Miles in an AIR MILES Dream Account can only be transferred to another Dream Account.
Send Miles from your Account to another existing Account to say thanks or to help someone out who’s just shy of a Reward.
A fee of $0.15 per Mile applies.
Call Customer Care
Hours of operation
Consolidate duplicate Collector Accounts (with the same profile details) or start collecting Miles with those closest to you.
No additional fees apply.
Call Customer Care
Hours of operation
Pool the Miles in your Accounts and collect together with friends or family living at a different address.
A fee of $0.15 per Mile applies.
Call Customer Care
Hours of operation
Note for all transfer types:
We are sorry to hear about your loss. If you are looking to transfer Miles on behalf of a deceased Collector to a single beneficiary or multiple beneficiaries, please complete our AIR MILES Estate Matters form. Once complete, send the form to AIR MILES Customer Care, along with one of the following documents:
If the number of Miles being transferred is greater than 20,000, additional documentation such as a certificate of appointment of an estate administrator may be required as well.
Submit by email: care@airmiles.ca or by fax: 1-888-378-2332.
Onyx collectors can transfer an unlimited amount of miles per calendar year and Gold collectors can move up to 1,000 miles per calendar year. Blue collectors cannot transfer miles. However, you can change your balance preference as many times as you like.
You can set up or change the balance preference for Miles you get by moving the slider from 0% to 100%, towards either your Cash Account or Dream Account. Once set, click the Update balance preference button, verify your email address, then click Confirm email. Future Miles will be added to your Accounts based on this preference.
Your preference can be changed as many times as you like, and the change will take effect at 3:00 a.m. ET the following day. Set your balance preference.
We encourage any Collector who has multiple AIR MILES Cards with different Collector Numbers to merge their duplicate Collector Accounts. If your information is the same on both profiles, you can combine the Miles in your individual AIR MILES Cash and Dream Accounts under one profile – at no additional cost – please Contact Us
You can even merge Accounts with anyone living within the same household to easily collect Miles together, and at no additional cost!
Collectors can send any amount of Dream or Cash Miles to another Collector. A fee of $0.15 per Mile applies (this will be waived for AIR MILES for Business Collectors). - please Contact Us
AIR MILES® Reward Miles may be transferred for a fee of $0.15 per Mile plus applicable taxes (unless otherwise advertised). Taxes will be calculated based on the address associated with the Collector profile of the Collector Number from which the Miles are transferred. Transferred Cash Miles will be deposited only into another AIR MILES Cash Account and transferred Dream Miles will be deposited only into another AIR MILES Dream Account; a transfer of Miles between Cash and Dream Accounts is not permitted. Transferred Miles are excluded from the calculation of Eligible Miles required for any AIR MILES Collector status and do not count towards the recipient qualifying for AIR MILES Gold® or Onyx® Collector status. Once a transfer is complete, it is final. There are no refunds on transferred Miles. Transferred Miles will immediately be posted to the recipient AIR MILES Cash or Dream Account, as applicable. Only the individual in whose name the Collector Number has been established can authorize the transfer of Miles from their Collector Account(s).
Multiple Collector Accounts under the same and exact full name, or containing the same address in the Collector profiles, may be merged at no cost. Multiple Collector Accounts containing different addresses in the Collector profiles may be merged for a fee of $0.15 per Mile, plus applicable taxes (unless otherwise advertised). Taxes will be calculated based on the address associated with the Collector profile of the Collector Number from which Miles are transferred. Transferred Cash Miles will be deposited only into another AIR MILES Cash Account and transferred Dream Miles will be deposited only into another AIR MILES Dream Account; a transfer of Miles between Cash and Dream Accounts is not permitted. Once Collector Accounts have been merged, it is final. There are no refunds on transferred Miles. Transferred Miles will immediately be posted to the recipient AIR MILES Cash or Dream Account, as applicable. When the entire AIR MILES Reward Miles balance of two or more Accounts has been merged under one Collector Number, and after the merge is complete, any Collector owning the Account(s) depleted of Miles may choose to close their AIR MILES Account. The current AIR MILES Collector status of the Collector Account receiving the transferred Miles will apply for the remainder of the qualified period. Only the individual in whose name the Collector Number has been established can authorize the transfer of Miles from, and/or the closing of, their Collector Account(s).
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© 2025 AIR MILES Loyalty Inc.
®TM Trademarks of AM Royalties Limited Partnership used under license by AIR MILES Loyalty Inc. Partner, Supplier and Retailer trademarks are owned by the respective Partner, Supplier and Retailer or authorized for their use in Canada. To collect AIR MILES® Reward Miles you must be a Canadian resident.